JobInsider /

Čistá mzda / Kalkulačka pro rok 2019

Net Salary Calculator

Gross (pre-tax) Income
Number of children
The acquisition costs of a business car for private purposes
Wife/Husband with an annual income of up to CZK 68,000 (applicable in annual settlement)
Student (< 26 year old)
Your Net Salary is {{formatNumber(cistaMzda)}}
Kalkulačka mzdy

Calculation detail

Supergross salary (forms base for income tax) {{formatNumber(superHrubaMzda)}}
Insurance contributions paid by the employer {{formatNumber(socialniPojisteniZamestnavatel + zdravotniPojisteniZamestnavatel)}}
social insurance -{{formatNumber(socialniPojisteniZamestnavatel)}}
health insurance -{{formatNumber(zdravotniPojisteniZamestnavatel)}}
Gross Salary {{formatNumber(hrubaMzda)}}
Insurance paid by you as an employee {{formatNumber(zdravotniPojisteni + socialniPojisteni)}}
health insurance -{{formatNumber(zdravotniPojisteni)}}
social insurance -{{formatNumber(socialniPojisteni)}}
Income Tax (15%) {{formatNumber(dan)}}
Solidární daň (7%) {{formatNumber(solidarniDan)}}
Tax bonuses {{formatNumber(slevyNaDani)}}
Taxpayer base bonus -{{formatNumber(slevaNaPoplatnika)}}
Children tax bonus -{{formatNumber(slevaNaDite)}}
Disability tax bonus -{{formatNumber(slevaInvalidita)}}
Wife / Husband tax bonus -{{formatNumber(slevaManzel)}}
Student tax bonus -{{formatNumber(slevaStudent)}}
Total Tax (after substraction of tax bonuses from income tax) {{formatNumber(danCelkem)}}

The composition of your super-gross salary

Your gross salary compared to the world

The data of the countries on the X-axis which are marked with an asterisk date back to 2018. Data sources: OECD, Czech Statistical Office.

All data in this salary calculator is for informational purposes only.

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